Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Easy Tips Transmitting High Quality Images via BBM

BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) is a communication facility which is very useful for all BlackBerry users. Not only limited to exchanging text, you can also use BBM to send new pictures or even share with several people at once.




But unfortunately, some BlackBerry users often complained about the “behavior” of fuel often compress images automatically, so the image quality was eventually reduced. In fact, you really need a clear picture without compromising quality.

Lucky, BlackBerry Z10 has been completed by the facility. Here are tips for you Z10 users to transmit images without having to fear losing quality.

When you first receive a picture of the fuel, then you will receive a lower quality image.
Press images that have been sent to a menu option on the right appear. On the menu, you will see the option to ‘Save Image’, ‘Set As’, ‘Request High Quality’ and ‘Share’.
Select the ‘Request High Quality’. Once you choose, you will give a message to the sender to re-send the picture image.

When you request addressed and he sent images with high quality (High Quality), then you will see the delivery status on the screen.
Once you have received the picture, press the confirm button, then save the image by pressing the image a bit long to remove the storage menu.

After knowing the tips above, you will now easily exchange photos without having to worry about the quality of the images you receive.

for more information about Easy Tips Transmitting High Quality Images via BBM click here

1 komentar:

  1. you only addressedthe issue of receiveing high quality pictures, but how do we send high quality pictures pls?
