Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

BBM 7 Blackberry 10 in Will Support BBM Video Chat

If you are a user of BBM and lovers chat platform, the following information could be good news for the next version of the BBM going to BBM 7 support video chat. It is revealed of the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha update has BBM_video folder and inside there is an audio file named video_chat.m4a.

This audio file has the same name as that used ringtone on video chat application on Blackberry PlayBook tablet, so we can conclude from this is even RIM itself has not been officially announced, it is likely we will find the features of BBM Video Chat on BlackBerry 10!

You can see the screenshot that comes from Crackberry:

bbm video

for more information about BBM 7 Blackberry 10 in Will Support BBM Video Chat click here

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