Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

The German government Share 5000 Mobile BlackBerry Z10 for Civil Affairs

If many institutions of world government who decided to replace its employees with BlackBerry mobile iPhone or Android, it is different with the German government. They’ve just ordered a total of 5000 BlackBerry Z10 handsets that will be given to the civil servants who work in the field of information security.

blackberry z10 1

However, as mobile phones that will be used for the field of information security, the mobile phone will be given an additional safety feature. BlackBerry also will embed additional security technology called Secusmart which provides data encryption feature as well as voice and text messages are safe.

Purchase BlackBerry mobile phones in large numbers by the German government is certainly a very good move for the BlackBerry. It may be that this will be the first step or trigger other institutions to undertake similar steps.

for more information about The German government Share 5000 Mobile BlackBerry Z10 for Civil Affairs click here

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