Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Application Messenger WeChat China will soon glide to BlackBerry 10

Launch of BlackBerry 10 mobile phone seems to be making a variety of application developers flocked to create applications for the BlackBerry. Having previously WhatsApp revealing the plan, this time turn the WeChat equally messenger application.


In a statement on his Facebook page WeChat Malaysia, manufacturing WeChat messenger application for BlackBerry 10 will be conducted in the near future. They were also reminded that for older versions of BlackBerry phones, WeChat applications already available in the BlackBerry World. Messenger application when it’s crowded center use. Not surprisingly, BlackBerry’s BlackBerry Messenger BlackBerry perceived by users is not enough to hook the BlackBerry.

Applications are in Indonesia ad starring famous singers Gisel seems increasingly vigorous to explore overseas markets, primarily Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Use of this WeChat was indeed dominated by users who are in China.

for more information about Application Messenger WeChat China will soon glide to BlackBerry 10 click here

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